Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My First Post

I've decided to create another blog dedicated solely to my life with my horse, Chester. Our time together has had its fair share shall I say?...interesting elements. Blood, sweat, and tears describes that time nicely, I suppose.

A little background...
I purchased Chester at a week and a half old. Note to Self: Do NOT go to a baby horse farm with a checkbook...bad idea. Anyway, I went to a Paint breeding farm about an hour south of Madison, where my husband and I were living at the time. I was actually going there to look at Chester's half brother, Ticado. While Ticado was cute, he was going to be too short for me. I took one look at Chester and knew he was mine. I put a down payment on him that day.

Over the next several months, I halter trained the baby Chester. He was easy in some ways, tough in others, and seemed to suffer from Transient Equine Training Amnesia (or TETA)..."You TAUGHT me this?! Well...I'm sorry, but I just don't recall that." Since that time, I have also re-named this syndrome Stubborn Paint Horse Syndrome (SPHS). More on that to fact, you will notice a theme...

I brought him to the boarding stable when he was weaned and our adventures continued...this blog will go back to chronicle those adventures, as well as keep you all updated on the fun we have together as our training and show career progresses.

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